Arth Task 12
Task 12.2 Configure the same setup as 12.1 over AWS using instance over there
- Step 1 Create AWS ec2 instance for Controller node and Manage nodes
- Step 2 Configuration of control node
>> install Ansible cmd :- pip3 install ansible
>> then install sshpass cmd :- yum install sshpass
After installing the Ansible we need to create the inventory file ,here i created a inventory file called ip.txt and put managed node username and password and connection type
Here i added one loadbalancer group and one backend server group
- Step 3 check connectivity with managed node
cmd:- ansible all -m ping
- Step 4 Create Ansible configuration file
- Step 5 write a playbook
then configure HA proxy file
Before we run the playbook lets check first is Haproxy is installed in the Control node or not, to check cmd :- rpm -q haproxy
HA Proxy is not installed
- Step 6 Run the playbook
Now HA Proxy is installed
Check managed node configured with webserver or not
Check Load balancer is working or not
Task succesfully completed